Thursday, August 30, 2012

What You Say

It matters folks. I can't tell you how many times I have heard that the work should speak for its self. While the work should SAY something, anything. Your view on your work impacts the product and what you say is crucial. As a viewer your words as you say them have the ability to shift what you are looking at. How crazy is that? I can think one thing, but as I start to speak my world turns upside down and truth leaks out, but not always without coaxing.
Maybe it hurts, maybe the truth is so sticky and mangled it is nearly impossible to decipher, but that becomes a part of the work, or your perception, others perception.
There are times I can look at a photograph or a painting and I want to reach in and rip the truth from it and throw it in your face so you can inhale it and feel it. That is my truth. Yours might look different, but it deserves air and space to morph into another reality.
My biggest regret is that it took me so long to get honest and gritty during my time at TSA. The last thing I did there was the most honest I have ever been and it felt fresh and new. I won't say I didn't spend hours debating the personal vs. the private, or that I didn't edit and re-edit multiple times. But I shot for the truth that examines the truth. The artist that examines the viewer and bounces back into complicated mirrors of many stories.
There is something here, but speak your world, that is what making is, a multitude of worlds.


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