Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Life after Undergrad...

In relating to the “What do you want to be when you grow up?... How about “What do you want to do after you graduate?”.... Coming from two people who are not graduating this semester, this post will be a guide to potential plans for after you graduate.
With the grad student round table and the various guest speakers that have come in, including last week’s speaker, Sarah Stolfa, we have been exposed to other peoples‘ experiences, ideas, and advice on life after undergraduate and graduate school.

Below are a few of the helpful resources that we stumbled upon. Some are more specific programs while others are broader search tools to find the programs that are right for you.


This helpful little site will give you a ton of different resources organized by location. Some of the links are outdated, but there’s definitely some gems in here.

This site is very helpful. It has a ton of useful resources about finding where you want to go and the funding for it. Definitely a lot of helpful stuff on here.

Salina Art Center

Salina, Kansas- http://www.salinaartcenter.org/artists/residency/
This residency focuses on drawing attention to the issues of the town today. It invites 3-4 artists to come for twelve week periods and stay in “The Warehouse” a renovated 1920’s building in the town.

Instituto Sacatar

Near Salvador, Bahia, Brazil- http://www.sacatar.org/
This looks amazing. It’s for those who want to travel the world making art. Located in Brazil on the Island of Itaparica in the Bay of All Saints, they invite all different kinds of artists to come and live and work. It encourages intereaction with the local artists and community and gives a great opportuinity to become enriched in a new culture.


Fulbright Fellow

Here is a link to some helpful hints when preparing your Fulbright application:

Grad School:

“Best Photography Programs” Ranking in 2012:

This provides a list of the best fine arts schools for a graduate degree in photography, according to U.S. News

Graduate Education in the Visual Arts:

This site has questions and responses from leaders of 13 graduate programs, about pursuing a graduate degree in the visual arts. Our own assistant dean, Carmina Cianciulli, is part of the article!



  1. Well, i have put quite a bit of thought into what will happen after I graduate but no matter how much thinking I do, nothing will happen until I start searching for that right job or that job that inspires me. Grad school is not an option for me due to my lack of money. I need a break from school, after 18 years of school, i think it's time to focus on getting a steady job and actually having time to breathe. I have done some job search but nothing has caught my eye. I have a shitty job now that isn't in photography but is good enough until I find what I'm looking for.

  2. Thank you!! It's so important to take a look at every single opportunity you can get, especially after you graduate -- even it it's finding a place like PPAC with all the resources we have here. Don't be afraid to try, just apply for these residencies and show your work as often as possible. The transartists website is useful, I've been thinking about residencies myself. Even though they are hard to get into, it is worth a try and you can get a different experience outside of Tyler.

  3. So I feel like I should panic and at the same time I feel like I shouldn't. I too have put thought into what my next step will be but I still fear that it wont go as I plan it to (though most things in life never do). I think these sites are helpful for us because it gives us other things to possibly think about doing after school instead of panicking about trying to find a job immediately after school. I think finding somewhere for us to continue making work is necessary for us.

  4. THANKS! FOR STEALING ONE OF MY BLOG IDEAS!!!! Just kidding :P (but I WAS thinking about it). Hello, Photo department for being ranked number 20 on the top grad school list! Thanks guys for starting off a list for us, I have been interested in the Fulbright program since our grad ladies came in and talked about the endless opportunities out there... I have also been researching some US residencies as well... That artist residency link is one that I have already been looking at for a starting point. I'm really interested in getting a residency, I have a year left, but it's never too early to start looking. NEVER too early... and I've been slowly learning that.

  5. Everyone keeps asking me what I want to do when I get out of school and I really have no idea. I don't even feel that I'm aware of all of the options there are. I had never really considered a residency program, but now I'm thinking that might be something to try to get into while I'm figuring things out, although they are very competitive.

  6. After I graduate, I plan on continuing to waitress. This way, I'll have time to take pictures and enter exhibitions and things, hopefully gaining some attention out of that. I'm gonna continue writing (poetry and my memoir- if you haven't already read my story and you're interested just ask me and I'll give you a copy of what I have so far). What I really want to do is get some books published. I want to get my work out there- seen and heard, written and visual work. I want to get out of Philadelphia and explore the world- that comes after I save some money from waitressing though.

  7. Life after graduation freaks me the geek out! I'm like...am I gonna get into my study abroad thing? will they give me enough money? If I do how will my photography change/will I have time to do it? Also something I worry about alot is how I will be able to afford keeping up my work, beyond taking pictures that live in cyberspace forever because I have no money to print. The grants thing RULES though because I have been thinking alot about Fulbright, because I really love the idea of getting to travel and work. It just sounds really sweet.

  8. All of this is super helpful, while i am not currently really thinking of grad school or a fellowship I am interested in looking at grants. for now i just want to find a job in photography, work for a while and really learn my craft on the job. I would love to travel to make my work, but what work should i make? i need to really take some time off from creating things for projects and make things for my self just for fun. i need to build a bank of ideas to draw from and lately i have not been able to come up with anything to put in that bank. after school the first thing I want to do is just get my act together and get a direction. after that i will start applying to grants and the Fulbright program.

  9. As far as what I'm doing right after school......... I don't really know. I have ideas as to what I'd like to do. There are goals I think are realistic. This varies from working a lot of internships in different areas, along with freelancing, until I have what I feel, or someone else feels, is a decent Resume, and then,..... well, after that is farther, away now isn't it. Where will I be at that point? What new connections will I have made? What resources will I have available to me, or what have I made available to myself.

    I love the thought of being educated through life, although most of that his been learned through summers. I guess I've got to face it, most of my life has been in school, so how could I know what I'll be doing next in the real world? Honestly, I like the uncertainty. It's treated me well so far, and helps me to keep my options open.

    If fine art is the goal, then I'm sure all of these links could prove useful to me. I won't knock them.

  10. Eek graduation. It's almost that time. And while the thought of it brings a little panic, it also brings a little bit of excitement as well. I'm really going to do this...be a photographer/be awesome. :) I hope that after I graduate, I continue to treat life like school by giving myself 'homework.' AKA apply to grants, jobs etc. Lists of where to start are always helpful!

  11. Ugh. Thanks for posting these and reminding me I'm getting spit out on my own. Well, I think from one thing what we've all learned from education and the process of making work we all know when we're NOT MAKING WORK and it's not necessarily an amazing feeling. I think through the Tyler Photo department we've all gained the motivation to create art, if not for anything, at least to satisfy a part of ourselves as artists.
