Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'll do this tomorrow...

“If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it.”
 Olin Miller

Oh, spring semester, what a beautiful time of year it is.  The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, the shows are going up...wait! MY SHOW IS IN TWO WEEKS!  time to get down to work... right after I check my facebook.  This scenario is probably familiar to most of us.  This is the point in our college career where we should be able to handle this situation by eliminating our distractions and focusing on what needs to be done. Sadly, this is not the case. With a lot of our shows coming up, we need to be as organized and focused as possible, so rather than giving you more things to look up and think about, we decided to give you a little positivity and helpful tips to get you through the next few weeks. If you seem to be entering panic mode and feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath and read through some of these helpful tips customized by us and brought to you by The Positivity Blog... and viewers like you.

Stop thinking. Start doing.
Thinking about your show isn't going to make it magically appear. Make yourself a list of everything that needs to be done and break it into smaller deadlines. This will allow you to feel accomplished at every deadline rather than hopelessly getting it finished in the nic of time.  

“To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.”
Eva Young

Don’t blow a task out of proportion.
The more you dwell on it, the more time you're taking away from actually producing it.

Just take the first step.
The first step is responding to this blog. The second step is GET OFF THE INTERNET AND START MAKIN' SOME ART!

“Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task”   
William James
Start with the hardest task of your day.
Whether this be getting out of bed or working on your research paper, take care of that first. Getting this out of the way leaves you with the rest of the day open without that one thing looming in the background. Just do it.

“Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves.”
Dale Carnegie

Just make a decision. Any decision.
Should I frame it? Should I mount it? Luster or Matte? Small or large? What should my show title be? If you're like us and have been crippled by indecisiveness, just take it one step at a time. What needs done first? Thinking about everything at once won't do anything but stall decision making. Go with your first instinct. And if that's not the right one, then at least you have that part done. And when all else fails, ask a classmate. That's what we're here for.

“In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”
Theodore Roosevelt

Finish it.
There is nothing more glorious.

*Here are a few more helpful tips on how to stop procrastination and some edumacated quotes!*

“Much of the stress that people feel doesn’t come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they started.”
David Allen

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.

”Putting off an easy thing makes it hard. Putting off a hard thing makes it impossible.”
George Claude Lorimer



  1. Yeah....... I'll get to commenting on this in a minute.......

    Ok, what? Oh I have to do this now? Ok let me just finish this thing first, just.......

    Ok, I will absolutely admit it. Procrastination is probably the most common Achilles heel out there, and I know I've got it.... bad.

    I do appreciate this article, because I have been meaning to get moving faster, and the fact that I am even saying that, just points out how much more I should have do x thing yesterday, and procrastinated for today. Ugh. Now I AM working on it.

    Luckily, not dis-similar to the Positivity Blog, which I will now add to my weekly check-outs, I usually recognize when it's REALLLLLY bad, and get myself into gear by reading the super motivational stuff from the99percent.com. I know I sound like an advertisement, but sites like that and the Positivity Blog help to practice what they preach just by being.

  2. IVAN!!!
    THANK YOU for this post. I have been in procrastination mode since the beginning of March. I need to get real. ONE MONTH until my opening and I still don't know what size I'm printing. This just reminds me that thinking about my show isn't going to make it magically happen. My roommate told me in the middle of February- "This is yours. It will be what you make it out to be."

  3. This advice is great guys, thanks for this! This is definitely not the time for procrastination! We should all be in production mode now with our upcoming shows, I know I am!

    Another thing that I think is helpful to getting everything done is making lists. Make one large list of everything that needs to be done. Then break that down into individual days so that you know exactly what needs to be done for each day. Setting time limits for each of the tasks can also be helpful, but not necessary.

    After you've completed something you can go right ahead and cross it off the list (an extremely gratifying gesture).
    And at the end of the day you feel SO accomplished.

    Good luck everyone!

  4. I hate that nagging feeling of always having something that needs to be due or a deadline that I need to meet. Yet, I have always felt better if I get whatever the project or thing is done early. Get it done and out of the way so that you have more time to do what you want to do.

    In my mind all the things I know I have to do seems like a lot and it freaks me out and sometimes it is a lot but other times it's over-exaggeration on my part. I find that writing everything down along with due dates helps me visualize better everything I need to do. Do the things with the earliest due dates first and then do the left overs.

  5. I guess that's my main issue... THINKING rather than just DOING. I suppose I should just start working on everything that comes to mind instead of trying to figure out whether or not what I am thinking will come out... because once I start thinking too much in to things I step back and stop working. I start to question things far too much and in that inquisitive state of mind I accomplish nothing work wise. I guess I should just start taking more risks and not worry about the failure aspect so much.

    Also, everyone should just quit their facebook for the next month. Clear that distraction. I have been facebook clean since October and it has made a surprising difference... honest.

  6. Oh my goodness, this sums up my life! In fact, I told Matt and Sarah I couldn't hang out right now because I had to do work. And yet I haven't got anything done! (Sorry if you read this guys) ARG! Why do I do this to myself.
    I love the advice just take it one step at a time. For me, it's doing this blog post right now. Just doing something, anything productive. I also think that getting work done really depends on what environment I'm in. Sometimes I need to go to the library where my laptop doesn't get internet, it's silent, and the smells of musty old books is the biggest distraction. As big of a stereotype as it is, we really are surrounded by hundreds of distractions and the only way to get work done is to escape as many of them as you possibly can.

  7. So, this just may be the article that is closest to my heart. I have been one of the worlds best procrastinators forever and I'm trying to stop and this is just what I needed! Thank you guys for posting this! Its such great advice. I love the quotes and I legit bookmarked the 11 practical ways to stop procrastinating. Its going to help me every time I feel the procrastination coming on and I have to stop it. Now I'm up to the decision making part of my show and its super daunting, but I'm going to definitely use the advice you gave for sure. Thanks Guys!!

  8. I LOVE the 11 practical ways to stop procrastinating! Because for me, honestly, one of the hardest things about procrastination is that it makes you very overwhelmed and anxious. I heard this once from someone, that if instead of complaining and dreading the things you have to do, if you accept that it has to be done, and just do it, it makes it that much easier and less painful. Lists are the best. I usually make pretty detailed lists, and while it can be daunting to look at long lists, it gets it out of your head and makes it something tangible. Now I'm about to go make one of those lists! Awesome post!!

  9. I've had the entire day off and a list of things to do, and at 6PM, all I've done was nap, listen to music, watch netflix, stare at facebook, and look at pictures of cute animals.
    Like most people, procrastinating is my number one problem. I may try actually getting out of my bed and sitting at my desk that is only used to pile crap on, and maybe get rid of the facebook and tumblr bookmarks.

  10. Like every one of us I have an issue with procrastination and for a number of reasons. Funny thing is one of the photos that is going in my show is about that (we can all guess which one ;) unfortunately it's also the thing that helps me relieve any anxiety and stress) A lot of the time I find myself just making lists and then never completing them. I do love the 11 practical ways to stop procrastinating and that meme of the art school owl is so true. I find it difficult to not sound either of those two things when thinking about my statement for my show.

  11. Procrastination is something that i believe is getting worse with everyone. i think companies and technology are targeting the fact that peoples attention spands are getting shorter and shorter. They are making millions of dollars off of the fact that we cant sit down and getting our own work down without taking breaks every so often to view website, check apps, and do other shit.

    With that being said, I think the best way to get around this is to write a list. I immediately feel better about the tasks ahead of me if i can see them laid out visually. Starting with the hardest thing first is a great idea Ivan. you're day will only get easier if you bang out the hard shit early.

  12. "This is the point in our college career where we should be able to handle this situation by eliminating our distractions and focusing on what needs to be done. Sadly, this is not the case."
    ... Haha I feel like i've said this to myself when finishing 8th grade middle school, and then said this to myself as I studied for finals in senior year of highschool. And I find myself in my 4th year of college feeling the same exact way. I should be able to know when and how to focus, stop procrastinating by now!
    And I agree. Sometimes all I need in times of panic and frustration is to stop for a second, stop panicking, stop worrying, remember that i got this far. Think positive. Have confidence. One step at a time. Start doing.

    “In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”
    Theodore Roosevelt
    love that^ !


  13. Procrastination pisses me off more than most things I can think of. I am sooooo guilty of procrastinating, writing reading, and doing things on the computer are my nemesis when it comes to finding reasons to procrastinate. I have to try so hard to do those things and not give up or find an excuse to stop. It drags the process out so much and it makes my life so much more difficult. how ever if I am doing something like taking pictures, figuring out lighting, or building something i can go at it for days. I have to find some way to focus my energies on the things i don't like to do so i can do the things i like to do more.

  14. I probably should have read this blog post a little bit sooner. Maybe I wouldn't be up right now finishing projects for tomorrow. I agree with this..and it's positive reinforcement. There's nothing like crossing something off on your to do list. Sometimes I put things on there that I know that I'm going to cross off easily just so I can cross them off. However, I do find sometimes that I work better under total pressure. Line about finishing after you check your facebook...priceless. What were we distracted by before the internet? Oh the joys of advancement!

  15. Christian is so right! I really think people are taking advantage of the fact that people's attention spans are getting shorter and shorter and it's because of the internet! Procrastination is horrible but I also think it's part of a process of getting things done. Sometimes you have an "A-ha!" moment in the midst of procrastinating and get a lot done after that period -- however, this seems to be pretty rare these days, so it's important to make a list of your tasks and get the hardest things done first. I usually start with the easy things and then when it comes to the hard tasks, I run out of time!

    Thanks for this blog post, I think we all needed it.
