Monday, April 23, 2012

Thanks in advance- do what you do

There is something I tell myself often and it is this, “We make-- to confirm our reality”. Creating images or objects is a declaration of the self, it is an affirmation that you are present, that life has happened, it is a voice to the silence.
I believe this is why we are here and doing what we are doing, and this will be the reason we continue to do this art-making-mind-spewing act of creation.
During Senior we listened to countless people tell us the way to do things… or rather, the way they did things. But there was never a formula or a set path… we have chosen this thing we do because we love it and it happens to be the most ambiguous journey we never thought it would be. That is what makes it great (but scary) and never boring. Someone once told me that they couldn’t go into people’s studios because it was like walking through their minds and it was too much. This is a snapshot of impact, the ability we have as makers to infuse our work with our thoughts… it is a power and an objective to strive for.
I feel lucky to have gotten the chance to watch a group of people struggle for something so valuable, to confirm their reality.
It is rare that people in the world get to listen or see the truth behind the reality, this is the potential we can have, and this is what you have given me.
Good Luck,
p.s. see you in grad school


  1. I am not too sure how to respond to this. The semester warped up soo quickly my head is spinning. This really is an ambiguous journey, is their any way to know or even get a general direction we will end up in? we have watched peoples ideas grow and change for the past eight months, and we have watched each other grow as artists for the past four years. I really hope to stay in touch with the people i have been blessed to share time in this cave with for the past few years. thank you all for giving so much.
    p.s. Photon4lyfe = BAD ASS!

  2. I want to say something really cheesy and overly sentimental but I'll try and refrain. Point is, it's been a pleasure working next to all of you. Now it's time to go out into the world and become something...we can do it, we've learned so much and I think we're all ready. :)
