Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Stress Relieving Activities

It's that time of the semester again when we all freak out and have multiple meltdowns, nervous breakdowns, anxiety attacks, etc. So we put together a list of stress relieving activities to help you all make it through these final weeks.

1. Kittens make everything better!
Nothing lifts your spirits like cat pictures and videos. So go watch some.


2. Exercise
Yoga and Pilates classes are good stress relievers.
The IBC has some classes at various times of the day.

3. Participate in illegal activities.
Open for interpretation.

4. Not to promote procrastination but...
We'll just leave this here.

5. Take a shower.
Because you know you haven't in days.
And it's a good place to cry too.

6. Go outside and enjoy the weather.
Bring your camera!

7. Make a list of everything you need to do until you get out of this place.
It may freak you out at first but when you get to cross something off it feels pretty good.

8. Don't procrastinate!
As tempting as it is, just sit down and get it done.

-Mia, Claire & Jordan


  1. Well, I have to agree cats do make things better, I have a cat and she's stupid, yet great entertainment..lol. But seriously, when I feel overwhelmed writing out everything I have to do helps a lot. You get to see everything and the due dates laid out in front of you, making it easier to manage your time. It also helps to take a break once in a while, for example, check your e-mail, check facebook, go get some food. Every one needs a break, don't kill yourself trying to get things done all at once. Always remember to breathe!

  2. The cat videos are great. I think I've said it before, but I love to put little things on my list of things to do that I know I can cross off with no problem. It gives me a little bit of a boost and I feel even more productive. Going outside is also awesome, especially if you take your camera, then you don't feel like you're completely wasting precious time that you should be using to finish your ten million long list of things to do. Something else that helps me is treating myself when I get a lot done. Popeyes chicken is amazing...just sayin.

  3. Relieving stress is important, but remember that there is a fine line between using cat videos to relieve stress and to procrastinate. Lets not confuse the two.

  4. I'll have to agree with Keristin. Although it is important to find a good stress relief during this part of the semester, make sure you are doing something that is actually relieving your stress and not just distracting you from it, and your work. One thing that helps me, especially this time of year, is doing whatever work you can do outside. The dark basement takes a toll on all our moods when we're down there for hours on end. If you have some readings to do or a paper to write, take it outside. Also, i'll always be a supporter of lists. The don't help my stress at first, but as soon as I start getting things done and being able to cross them off, I start to feel accomplished. Sometimes, on the painfully unmotivated days, try writing everything from eating breakfast to going to class to give yourself that extra satisfaction of crossing those off the list. Yes they may be mandatory, but hey, you did them didn't you? Give yourself some credit.

  5. SHOWERS. LOVE THEM. You wouldn't think so by how absolutely awful I look almost every day. But seriously, what a great place to organize thoughts. It's impossible to stress because shower's are so nice but also impossible to get distracted by the internet, the phone, your friends...Just you and your thoughts. Best part of the day. :)

  6. Exercise definitely works for me. Specifically, running outside when the sun goes down (and the temperature isn't too hot or too cold and I don't have to worry about freezing or sweating). When i'm super stressed from worrying and thinking, a quick (or long) nap usually clears my thoughts. When I wake up, I feel refreshed mentally and physically. A quick chat with a close friend or two who make me laugh s is a good dose of stress-relieving medicine too!

  7. Illegal activity? lol Honestly I'm the last of anyone's worries in my area. To be serious though I got to exercise, and immediately thought of the yoga and pillattes video I starting working out to,.... and then saw the second sentence. The best of all, quite honestly would have to be the shower. A good place to think of all stressful things, sort your head, and be totally overwhelmed my soothing hot water. Mmmmmmmm....

    As far as the cats go, I saw the image on the blog first and, " OH MY GOD KITTIES!," was the first thing I said out loud. Luckily, I do not get stuck looking at cats for very long. Something about it bores me eventually, and I just end up going back to work. My greatest vice in procrastination in sleeping, and not waking up when I set my alarm, not kitties. Very intricate sleep talking and walking is more of an issue for me.


  8. For me my biggest stress relief is by drawing. Though they are not always finished or actual drawings it helps me get my mind off of things and also be slightly productive. But i have to agree with Keristin that sometimes these so called "stress reliefs" become tools for procrastination. So be careful, especially around this time of year that stress relief does not become procrastination.

  9. I am so sorry to see that kittens made it to this blog! There are enough kittens dominating the internet . . . I thought this was a forum for creative ideas.

  10. I took down the photos of the kittens, I just couldn't bear to have it as one of the last postings.
