Monday, March 12, 2012

Don't forget about TED

I know we're all kind of busy in our own little worlds right now, but if you need a breather (especially with everyone's shows coming up), take 15 minutes and head over to TED. These talks are gaining more and more popularity not only on the blogosphere, but also within my circle of friends. It's a great way to kill time, while also not killing it, by educating yourself on different modes of thoughts and processes. Get the app on your phone, book the site on you favorites list. Do anything to remember that there are some very great thinkers in this world. When you are like me, who tires himself reading the mainstream news media, and though it may seem like the world is full of idiots (salivating over celebrity affairs, listening to the political jargon of the republican candidates), remember, ...just remember there are some intelligent people out there like me and you who want their voices heard.

Here are a couple that I found that were very creative and inspirational.


Also on another note, analyze their public speaking. These are great examples of public presentations which is exactly what you guys will be doing later this semester.

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