Monday, February 27, 2012

Everything is a Remix: System Failure

Everything is a Remix Part 4 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.


  1. Please take the time to view this video, there is so much food for thought and discussion addressed here.

    If you take the time to watch this video and post a comment/response to it, you will get a golden pass to not having to respond to any posts for two weeks.

  2. I'll have to take you up on this one Rebecca!

    So I watched the video and shortly thereafter began writing the first draft for my research paper. To introduce my artists I started by explaining how ideas work, that your ideas are not yours originally, but that they are always stolen from others and they evolve as they go from person to person.

    I was not thinking about this video at the time of writing that introduction, at least not to my knowledge.

    There you go! Right here is an example of the very thing of which I am writing and of which is in this video. I started my paper thinking that these ideas were my own and then later realized that they were completely influenced by the video I had just watched.

    How can you define the lines of something for which you have no knowledge? How can you put property on something you cannot define?

    Good enough for a two week pass?

  3. The cycle of "copy, transform, combine" is one that will never die out. It is how we grow as people and as a society. Whether we like to admit it or not, taking existing ideas and concepts and expanding on them is how society has become what it is today. If no one was able to contribute their knowledge to already existing ideas, the world could not have developed and advanced as much as it has. And like Keristin, just by watching this video we will all take something away from it and quite possibly use the information, unknowingly or not, in our daily lives and practices. It is an amazing beneficial cycle that people take for granted because of, like the video said, our territorial tendencies. Unless the copying or changing of our ideas is directly affecting our well being, we should be grateful for others abilities to get something out of them that we ourselves could not have. And if it is that bothersome, why not take the new and improved idea and expand on that ourselves? It is an endless cycle. We might as well embrace it.

  4. So yea this video was awesome! it started with science threw in some history and sprinkled it with awesome movie references, (Lord of the Rings, Cujo, Shawshank Redemption,and a few others). Something tells me that is not going to be enough to get the pass...

    in addition to it being very entertaining it was thought provoking. the process of "copy, transform, combine" has been happing since the beginning of life. It is why we have advanced to a point that we can actually make a video about it and send it out across fiberoptic cables at near the speed of light! thats pretty cool. but it has also advanced us to a level where we feel we can own an idea. the part in the video when he talks about intellectual property was very interesting, what was more interesting was when he brings up the concept of us being territorial (cue Cujo). I have to admit i am guilty of being territorial of an idea i thought was my own even though i damn well knew i was adopting that idea from other peoples ideas. So the idea that we can own an idea is ridiculous. the only person hurt by my copied idea being copied was me when i realized how dumb it was to get bent out of shape about something that trivial. i agree with what Sarah said about being happy when others are able to get something from our ideas.

    by the way every word in this post was copied and pasted from other documents so does that make them my words and thus my ideas or not?
